KFSC Resources

Disclaimer: While we make every effort to ensure the resource information provided on this site is accurate and up to date, we cannot guarantee all resources are still active. The views and opinions expressed by these resources do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Kansas Family Support Center (KFSC) or University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC). KFSC does not endorse these services or the agencies that provide them and encourages individuals to reach out to KFSC staff or other professionals if they have questions about a specific service and it’s suitability for their individual needs.

Speech Therapy
Tags: Clinic, Telehealth
County: Sedgwick
Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy
Tags: Clinic, Telehealth
County: Douglas
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Tags: Clinic, Portuguese Speaking Available, Spanish Speaking Available, Telehealth
County: Douglas
Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy
Tags: Clinic, Telehealth
County: Sedgwick
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Tags: Clinic, Telehealth
County: Johnson

Showing 17–21 of 21 results